Assistant Professor
Membrane Protein Structure and Function
Serotonin neurotransmitter system and complex behaviors
Assistant Professor
Lineage and cell fate specification in the mammalian retina
Chemical tools to manipulate the adaptive immune response
controlling mitochondrial energy distribution to combat pathologies associated with impaired mitochondrial function
Development of therapeutic and diagnostic tools for proteins aggregation diseases
Regulation of gene expression through pre-mRNA splicing
T cell activation and tolerance; genetic immunodeficiency and autoimmunity
Molecular mechanisms of viral integration into host DNA
Signaling pathways and metabolism in stem cells and cancers
Molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis
Developing small molecules that modulate cancer-relevant epigenetic targets
Cell-matrix interactions in neuromuscular disease
Protein Structure, folding and design
Mass spectrometry, metabolomics and proteomics
Nucleic acid structure and function
Proteomic study of liver cancer development
Physical aspects of viral infectivity and gene delivery systems
Structure and function of lipid carrier proteins in tears
Structures and functions of membrane proteins involved in homeostasis using cryoEM
RNA-targeting drug development
Structure and fibrillization mechanisms of amyloid fibrils
Motility and Signaling Functions of the Trypanosome Cilium
Computational investigation of chemical and biological reactions
Structure and function of protein networks in the cell
Protein structure and dynamics using EPR spectroscopy
Computational structural biology and drug design for protein aggregation diseases
Pre-messenger RNA splicing and processing; chromatin modification
Mitochondrial biogenesis- protein translocation into mitochondria
Epigenetics in biology and disease
Theoretical systems biology
Studying protein expression and structure by proteomics and mass spec.
Modeling of human breathing motion, radiation therapy
Mechanisms of bacterial metal ion handling systems
Neural mechanisms of space-time perception using virtual reality and computational modeling
Molecular physiology of voltage dependent ion channels
Mechanisms of intracellular protein traffic and endocytosis
Epigenetic regulation of stem cell self-renewal, differentiation, and cancer
Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton
Develop tools for cancer screening and early detection
Atomic analysis of protein nano-assemblies
Physical properties, structure and function of cells and the nucleus
Radiofluorination of bioactive molecules
Targeting new classes of membrane receptors to develop novel therapeutics
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenicity
Biochemistry of vertebrate photoreceptors
Excitation-contraction coupling in mammalian muscle
Bioinformatics and computational biology
Single molecule biophysics; macromolecular interactions
Dissecting Ubiquitin-regulated Signaling Networks
Structural, computational, and synthetic biology
Pathogenesis of hypertriglyceridemia and diseases of the nuclear lamina
Therapeutic development in ophthalmology and Wnt signaling pathways
CryoEM of membrane proteins, protein-nucleic acid complexes and microbes