Boyer Hall Room Booking Request Request to book(Required)We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Please note we have very little availability remaining for Spring quarter. Boyer 130 (capacity up to 40) Boyer 159 (capacity up to 100) Either 130 or 159 Boyer 168 (only available for student committee meetings/OQEs) Name of your event(Required)Organization/Department hosting the event(Required)Number of attendees(Required)Date of event(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Starting Time (including set up)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Finishing Time (including clean up)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Contact name for this reservation(Required)Contact Email(Required) Frequency of the event(Required)The MBI Office will respond by email to discuss the availability of recurring bookingsOne timeRecurring weeklyRecurring monthlyRecurring quarterlyAny other relevant information about the event (optional)