Lena Pernas*


Delgado JM, Pernas L. Mitochondria as sensors of intracellular pathogens. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2024 Nov 22. view on PubMed

Pernas L. Division of labour: mitochondria split to meet energy demands. Nature. 2024 Nov; 635(8039):557-558. view on PubMed

Garcia BM, Melchinger P, Medeiros T, Hendrix S, Prabhu K, Corrado M, Kingma J, Gorbatenko A, Deshwal S, Veronese M, Scorrano L, Pearce E, Giavalisco P, Zelcer N, Pernas L. Glutamine sensing licenses cholesterol synthesis. EMBO J. 2024 Dec; 43(23):5837-5856. view on PubMed

Kreimendahl S, Pernas L. Metabolic immunity against microbes. Trends Cell Biol. 2024 Jun; 34(6):496-508. view on PubMed

Mehra C, Pernas L. Contact sites between host organelles and pathogens: boon or bane? mSphere. 2023 Dec 20; 8(6):e0044823. view on PubMed

Beros S, Pernas L. Sleeping monsters: chronic infections in COVID-19 pathogenesis. Trends Microbiol. 2024 01; 32(1):10-12. view on PubMed

Bean C, Audano M, Varanita T, Favaretto F, Medaglia M, Gerdol M, Pernas L, Stasi F, Giacomello M, Herkenne S, Muniandy M, Heinonen S, Cazaly E, Ollikainen M, Milan G, Pallavicini A, Pietiläinen KH, Vettor R, Mitro N, Scorrano L. Author Correction: The mitochondrial protein Opa1 promotes adipocyte browning that is dependent on urea cycle metabolites. Nat Metab. 2022 Feb; 4(2):300. view on PubMed

Li X, Straub J, Medeiros TC, Mehra C, den Brave F, Peker E, Atanassov I, Stillger K, Michaelis JB, Burbridge E, Adrain C, Münch C, Riemer J, Becker T, Pernas LF. Mitochondria shed their outer membrane in response to infection-induced stress. Science. 2022 Jan 14; 375(6577):eabi4343. view on PubMed

Bean C, Audano M, Varanita T, Favaretto F, Medaglia M, Gerdol M, Pernas L, Stasi F, Giacomello M, Herkenne S, Muniandy M, Heinonen S, Cazaly E, Ollikainen M, Milan G, Pallavicini A, Pietiläinen KH, Vettor R, Mitro N, Scorrano L. The mitochondrial protein Opa1 promotes adipocyte browning that is dependent on urea cycle metabolites. Nat Metab. 2021 12; 3(12):1633-1647. view on PubMed

Medeiros TC, Mehra C, Pernas L. Contact and competition between mitochondria and microbes. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2021 10; 63:189-194. view on PubMed

Mehra C, Pernas L. Move it to lose it: Mitocytosis expels damaged mitochondria. Dev Cell. 2021 07 26; 56(14):2014-2015. view on PubMed

Pernas L. Cellular metabolism in the defense against microbes. J Cell Sci. 2021 02 08; 134(5). view on PubMed

Carvalho KF, Machado TS, Garcia BM, Zangirolamo AF, Macabelli CH, Sugiyama FHC, Grejo MP, Augusto Neto JD, Tostes K, Ribeiro FKS, Sarapião FD, Pandey AK, Nociti RP, Tizioto P, Coutinho LL, Meirelles FV, Guimarães FEG, Pernas L, Seneda MM, Chiaratti MR. Mitofusin 1 is required for oocyte growth and communication with follicular somatic cells. FASEB J. 2020 06; 34(6):7644-7660. view on PubMed

Pernas L. mSphere of Influence: Finding a Direction-How Do Mitochondria Know Where To Go? mSphere. 2019 07 03; 4(4). view on PubMed

Blank ML, Parker ML, Ramaswamy R, Powell CJ, English ED, Adomako-Ankomah Y, Pernas LF, Workman SD, Boothroyd JC, Boulanger MJ, Boyle JP. A Toxoplasma gondii locus required for the direct manipulation of host mitochondria has maintained multiple ancestral functions. Mol Microbiol. 2018 06; 108(5):519-535. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Bean C, Boothroyd JC, Scorrano L. Mitochondria Restrict Growth of the Intracellular Parasite Toxoplasma gondii by Limiting Its Uptake of Fatty Acids. Cell Metab. 2018 04 03; 27(4):886-897.e4. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Scorrano L. RevAMPing Mitochondrial Shape to Live Longer. Cell Metab. 2017 12 05; 26(6):805-806. view on PubMed

Adomako-Ankomah Y, English ED, Danielson JJ, Pernas LF, Parker ML, Boulanger MJ, Dubey JP, Boyle JP. Host Mitochondrial Association Evolved in the Human Parasite Toxoplasma gondii via Neofunctionalization of a Gene Duplicate. Genetics. 2016 05; 203(1):283-98. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Scorrano L. Mito-Morphosis: Mitochondrial Fusion, Fission, and Cristae Remodeling as Key Mediators of Cellular Function. Annu Rev Physiol. 2016; 78:505-31. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Adomako-Ankomah Y, Shastri AJ, Ewald SE, Treeck M, Boyle JP, Boothroyd JC. Toxoplasma effector MAF1 mediates recruitment of host mitochondria and impacts the host response. PLoS Biol. 2014 Apr; 12(4):e1001845. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Ramirez R, Holmes TH, Montoya JG, Boothroyd JC. Immune profiling of pregnant Toxoplasma-infected US and Colombia patients reveals surprising impacts of infection on peripheral blood cytokines. J Infect Dis. 2014 Sep 15; 210(6):923-31. view on PubMed

Pernas L, Boothroyd JC. Association of host mitochondria with the parasitophorous vacuole during Toxoplasma infection is not dependent on rhoptry proteins ROP2/8. Int J Parasitol. 2010 Oct; 40(12):1367-71. view on PubMed