Molecular Biology IDP (MBIDP) Admissions FAQ
How many students apply and are accepted into the MBIDP?
Our admissions statistics can be found here.
How do I apply to the MBIDP?
Applicants must apply to one of our four home areas:
- Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology (BBSB)
- Cell and Developmental Biology (CDB)
- Gene Regulation, Epigenomics and Transcriptomics (GREAT)
- Immunity, Microbes and Molecular Pathogenesis (IMMP)
Detailed instructions are available here.
What are the basic requirements to apply to the MBIDP?
Applicants must hold or be in the process of completing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and must have the necessary academic preparation to participate successfully in graduate-level courses.
What is the minimum GPA?
UCLA requires a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 overall. For applications with GPA below 3.0, admissions is possible but requires an exception request.
Do I need to take the GRE General Exam and subject exams?
No, the General Exam is optional.
Can I request a fee waiver?
Fee waivers are available for applicants who participated in certain undergraduate programs and who demonstrate need. The Division of Graduate Education grants fee waivers through an established process. The MBIDP does not grant fee waivers.
Can I apply for a Master’s Degree?
At this time, we are not accepting applications to our Master’s program. We are only accepting applications for our PhD program.
Is financial support provided?
Yes, tuition/fees are fully covered for MBIDP students. Students also receive a monthly salary or stipend. The stipend/salary amount is based on the Academic Student Employee collective bargaining agreement.
Do I need to secure a mentor before applying?
No, you do not need any prior acceptance from a faculty mentor before you apply.
What does the admission committee look for when making admission decisions?
The committee looks at the cumulative GPA, academic history, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and research experience.
I am an international student interested in applying to the MBIDP. Where can I find additional information?
UCLA’s Division of Graduate Education has additional resources for international applicants on their website. Click here for more information.
I’m applying by the December 1 deadline but I have not taken the TOEFL exam. What is the last possible date I can take the exams?
We strongly encourage applicants to take the TOEFL exam no later than November to ensure official scores are transmitted to UCLA on time.
Are TOEFL score copies acceptable?
Unofficial copies of scores are acceptable for review purposes but official copies from ETS are required for official admission to the University.